I have danced  and organized workshops during festivals:

Fitness na Pergoli” – winter 2018 edition, workshop „Oriental dance – isolations and coordination training” and dance show for more than 50 women during big sport event at Centennial Hall in Wroclaw ,

Marathon of Sports of The World Games 2017” at the Centennial Hall in Wroclaw,

Parks full of culture” – show and dance lesson, promotion of the oriental dance in Wroclaw,

VI Swidnicka Street Festival” in Wroclaw, outdoor show for citizens of Wroclaw,

Wroclaw Health Days” – I promoted a healthy lifestyle and physical activity by giving dance lesson,

Yoga in the Park” – during V and VI editions of the event, I carried out a workshop „Belly dance – femininity of the countries of the Orient” and „Oriental rhythms” in the Park of Julisz Slowacki ,

WrocDance” – Wroclaw Dance Festival: I carried out the workshop „Coordination and isolation in the oriental dance” and I performed together with my students at the evening gala,

The 1 Step to dance” – edition of the Winter 2014 and Spring 2015 edition, dance classes organized by the Polish Students’ Association in Wroclaw, held at the School of Ballet of Waldemar Staszewski,

PROGRESSteron” – the festival known as „Dojrzewalnia Roz”. I also carried out a workshop titled „Khaleegy – hair dance from the Arab Gulf” and „Shimmy – secrets of shimmy in belly dance„, at the meeting „European Femininity”,

The colors of the Orient” – Reconciliation of Culture Festival in Wroclaw Philharmonic organized during the Year of Intercultural Dialogue,

Bollywood Film Festival” in Wroclaw cinemas: Multikino Arkady and Multikino Pasaz Grunwaldzki.